UK Migration Policy Jeopardizes University Sector

Post-Brexit Britain is becoming less welcoming to foreign students.

Americans Want a Plan B

Why are more Americans seeking 2nd Citizenship?

Leading Ladies

How Women Are Redefining Wealth Management

Global Economic Power Shift? Why Economists Are Expecting China to Lead by 2075

In an increasingly interconnected and dynamic global economy, the ability to forecast future economic trends through scientific means is essential for businesses, governments, and entrepreneurs.

Wealth Drain: Rich Britons Seek Tax-Friendly Shores Amid Fiscal Squeeze

In 2024, the UK sees an unprecedented exodus of its wealthiest residents due to high tax rates and the end of non-domicile status. Despite uncertainties, affluent households are increasingly considering tax-efficient jurisdictions for relocation. This IMGW News article explores the top destinations attracting migrating millionaires.

The World in Brief

Trend Setters

Do people move from China or Russia to Europe, Australia, Canada, the Gulf, or the Caribbean simply for fiscal reasons? Or do they consider lifestyle advancements, personal freedoms, and new cultures?
Similar to wealth management, Family Health Offices offer specialized, unbiased advice, bridging the knowledge gap in healthcare. This integration enhances wellbeing and improves health outcomes, providing comprehensive care for affluent families.
Hailing from the smallest EU nation, a tiny island in the Mediterranean, Gordon has transcended geographical boundaries to establish himself at the heart of European fashion and design - Milan.