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St. Kitts & Nevis PM Seeks to Clarify Misleading Claims Amid Legal Proceedings

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“As Prime Minister, I will continue to lead with integrity and dignity and in keeping with the good governance agenda of this Labour Administration,” 

Terrance Drew
Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

In response to recent circulating ‘misinformation’, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew of St. Kitts and Nevis has issued a statement to address claims suggesting his involvement in a US RICO lawsuit related to Citizenship by Investment (CBI) underselling. Dr. Drew emphasised that no lawsuit has been filed against him, either personally or professionally, in connection to this matter.

The Prime Minister made it unequivocally clear that under his leadership, CBI underselling was outlawed within St. Kitts and Nevis, firmly opposing any such practices. He reiterated his commitment to upholding integrity and good governance within the administration.

A RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act) suit is a legal action filed under the RICO Act, a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States. This type of lawsuit typically targets individuals or entities engaged in racketeering activities, such as extortion, money laundering, and fraud. RICO suits are often complex and involve allegations of a pattern of criminal behavior orchestrated by an enterprise. They aim to hold perpetrators accountable for their illicit actions and seek remedies such as financial penalties and injunctive relief.

Addressing a separate legal proceeding, Dr. Drew clarified that while a claim for judicial review has been filed, targeting the Minister of National Security, this is entirely distinct from the US RICO lawsuit. He stressed that the judicial review does not allege any impropriety, misconduct, or corruption on his part.

“As Prime Minister, I will continue to lead with integrity and dignity and in keeping with the good governance agenda of this Labour Administration,” stated Dr. Drew.

Dr. Drew urged all ministers, government officials, and civil servants in St. Kitts and Nevis to perform their duties with integrity and in line with good governance principles.

This is a developing story, and IMGW News will keep its readers and followers abreast with the latest insights when they occur.