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Portugal Revives Tax Breaks to Woo Skilled Workers Amid Economic Revamp

Portugal's new centre-right government plans to reintroduce tax breaks aimed at attracting skilled foreigners to the country, as part of efforts to stimulate economic growth.
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“Regarding Residence by Investment programs, the rise of golden visas in the Gulf States is a very big, very important trend. Obviously what a golden visa means in this case is something different, because the whole system of migration as well as citizenship in those countries looks very different than what it does in, say, Europe or North America or Latin America. But within that space, golden visa options are now proliferating. The UAE is now the global leader in golden visa issuances.” 

This quote is from Kristin Surak, an Associate Professor of Political Sociology who has spent nearly a decade researching investment migration. Her work on elite mobility, international migration, nationalism, and politics has been translated into multiple languages. Her book, ‘The Golden Passport: Global Mobility for Millionaires,’ represents the first comprehensive on-the-ground investigation of the global citizenship market, delving into the intricacies of the application process and the geopolitical dynamics underlying the citizenship industry. This quote was extracted from an interview with IMGW.News which was conducted in April 2024.

“If you’re an innovator, an entrepreneur, a researcher, you should know that the most competitive visa regime for highly skilled international talent is right here in the United Kingdom.”

British PM Rishi Sunak made this statement last November (23) while hailing the UK’s Visa Regime. He took a strong stance in favour of skilled migrant workers in a key speech at the Global Investment Summit amid mounting pressure on his government to bring down soaring immigration statistics.

“We are going to take the necessary measures to guarantee that housing is a right and not just a speculative business”

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez made this statement in April 2024 while announcing the removal of Golden Passport access to his country through real estate investment by Foreign High Net Worth Individuals.