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Portugal Revives Tax Breaks to Woo Skilled Workers Amid Economic Revamp

Portugal's new centre-right government plans to reintroduce tax breaks aimed at attracting skilled foreigners to the country, as part of efforts to stimulate economic growth.
HomeRegionalAsia-PacificExploring Australia's Missed Opportunities

Exploring Australia’s Missed Opportunities

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An IMGW News Report

Australia stands out as a coveted destination for individuals seeking stability, economic prosperity, and a high quality of life. In recent years, the concept of residency by investment, also known as investment migration, has emerged as a viable pathway for affluent individuals to secure residency or citizenship in the country. However, this trend brings with it a set of complexities that shape both the landscape of Australia’s immigration policies and its investment climate.

By striking the right balance, Australia can position itself as a leading destination for global talent, capital, and innovation in the 21st century.

The IMGW News Team.

At the forefront of the discussion surrounding residency by investment in Australia are several dilemmas that warrant careful consideration. One such dilemma revolves around the regulatory framework governing these programs. Navigating through a labyrinth of regulations, visa categories, and compliance requirements can prove to be a daunting task for potential investors, often resulting in bureaucratic hurdles and lengthy processing times.

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