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Portugal Revives Tax Breaks to Woo Skilled Workers Amid Economic Revamp

Portugal's new centre-right government plans to reintroduce tax breaks aimed at attracting skilled foreigners to the country, as part of efforts to stimulate economic growth.
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Perspectives: A Portuguese Viewpoint

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Every week, IMGW.news shines an in-depth spotlight on companies operating in the Wealth Management, Investment Migration, Real Estate, and related service sectors. Each feature aims to offer readers insights into these firms’ distinctive offerings and operational highlights, enhancing their knowledge of the key industry players.

Meet Patricia Casaburi, Founder & CEO at Global Citizen Solutions

Patricia Casaburi is an experienced leader and legal expert dedicated to helping individuals and businesses navigate global mobility and investment migration. She holds graduate and post-graduate degrees from the University of Law in London, specialising in Commercial Law and immigration procedures.

With a media studies and journalism background, Patricia combines legal expertise with strong communication skills. As the Founder and CEO of Global Citizen Solutions, she has guided the firm to become a respected investment migration, relocation, and visa consultancy.

Under Patricia’s leadership, Global Citizen Solutions is known for its commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. She has assembled a knowledgeable team focused on providing tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of clients. Patricia’s approach fosters a collaborative environment, ensuring that the firm remains responsive to the evolving demands of the industry.

The Interview

IMGW.News organised a Q&A session with Patricia Casaburi, CEO of Global Citizen Solutions, to discuss her career, industry trends, and future plans. During the session, Patricia shared insights into her motivations for entering the field of global mobility and investment migration, the establishment of her company, and the challenges faced. She also discussed current trends in popular destinations, client profiles, the potential impact of global political changes, and future industry developments. Additionally, Patricia provided examples of the benefits investment migration programmes bring to local economies and reflected on her personal achievements and goals for the company.

1. Patricia, could you share with us the early career experiences or life events that initially sparked your interest in global mobility and investment migration?

My interest in global mobility and investment migration began during my time in London. Watching many friends navigate various immigration procedures and challenges made me realise that this area of law is about more than just paperwork – it’s about transforming lives and opening up new opportunities. This understanding ignited my passion for the field.

2. What specifically motivated you to establish Global Citizen Solutions, and what were the initial challenges you faced? How did you envision your company filling the gaps within the market?

Establishing Global Citizen Solutions was motivated by a desire to address the complexities and gaps within the investment migration industry. Initially, the challenge lay in building a trusted brand in a competitive market. However, my vision was clear: to provide tailored, transparent, and ethical migration solutions, empowering clients to make informed decisions.

3. Could you tell us about the current trends regarding popular destinations for investment migration? Additionally, could you describe the typical profiles of clients who seek relocation and second citizenship, focusing on their nationalities and motivations?

Popular destinations for investment migration currently include countries like Portugal, Spain, Canada, Costa Rica, and New Zealand, known for their stable political climates, strong economies, and quality of life. Our clients are predominantly entrepreneurs and families from the USA, UK, Asia, and the Middle East, seeking better opportunities and security for future generations.

In recent years, we have observed a rising trend not only in the desire to relocate but also in the intent to acquire a second citizenship as a safeguard against future instability. Many individuals are exploring ways to obtain a second passport, either through descent or investment migration initiatives. This pursuit is driven by the desire for greater flexibility in planning their future lives and retirement, as well as ensuring secure succession and opportunities for their progeny.

4. With the upcoming 2024 super-election year, how do you anticipate the potential changes in global politics might affect global mobility and investment migration?

With more than one-third of the global population set to vote, the upcoming 2024 super-election year is expected to bring significant policy shifts, especially in countries like the US and parts of Europe. The US elections are particularly notable in this polarised environment. Research from previous elections indicates that political dissatisfaction is a key factor driving people to relocate and seek second citizenship, a trend likely to impact the relocation industry in the near future.

In addition to the US, other major nations, including India, Mexico, Indonesia, and Malaysia, will hold elections in 2024. Depending on the outcomes, people may consider relocating to more stable countries. While political instability is a primary motivator for relocation, other factors are also influencing this trend. The relocation and investment migration industry is evolving, offering more tailored options to clients. Countries are introducing a variety of programmes to meet the needs of those wishing to relocate, such as digital nomad visas, retiree programmes, and Residence and Citizenship by Investment (RCBI) options. These factors have collectively boosted the relocation industry recently. We are closely monitoring these developments to proactively advise our clients on how these changes may affect their mobility and investment strategies.

5. Looking toward the next decade, what changes do you foresee in the investment migration sector, particularly concerning regulations, investor preferences, and favoured destinations? Additionally, how might the significant generational wealth transfer influence these dynamics?

In the next decade, we anticipate tighter regulations and a shift in investor preferences towards sustainability and digital innovations. The massive wealth transfer from Baby Boomers to Millennials and Gen Z will likely drive younger generations towards investment migration for asset diversification, lifestyle, and environmental considerations. Research shows that this wealth transfer will not only be a generational issue but also holds a gender factor, as more women will inherit wealth from their predecessors. These trends require a more careful examination of how these individuals invest and how much international mobility is decisive when considering lifestyle and wealth protection.

Younger generations, influenced by digital advancements and growing environmental consciousness, are expected to prioritise sustainable investments and seek jurisdictions that support such initiatives. As they inherit substantial wealth, their investment strategies will likely reflect a stronger emphasis on ethical and impact investing, aligning financial goals with personal values. Furthermore, the increasing prominence of women in wealth management highlights the need for tailored financial advice that considers gender-specific investment behaviours and preferences. It is also important to mention that tax and crypto-friendly jurisdictions also play a decisive role when individuals are looking for investment migration programmes.

Investment migration programmes will need to address these priorities, providing options that offer not only financial benefits but also enhanced lifestyle opportunities, global mobility, and protections against geopolitical and economic uncertainties.

6. We often hear criticism about these so-called ‘Golden Passports’, which are technically (and more appropriately) known as Investment Migration programmes. The fact of the matter is that many people overlook the tangible benefits and the financial boost these programmes provide to local economies. Can you help our readers by providing some specific examples of how Portugal and the Portuguese people have benefited from this?

Investment migration can significantly benefit local economies. For instance, the Portuguese Investment Migration Programme has attracted 7.3 billion euros ($8 billion) of funds since its inception in 2012. Generally, such investments can be made in real estate, investment funds, cultural programs, and scientific research. Investment migration initiatives can inject substantial financial boosts into the host country, contributing to infrastructure development, job creation, and economic growth. They also foster cultural exchange and bring diverse perspectives, enriching the local community.

7. Reflecting on your journey and achievements, Patricia, what are some personal highlights for you as the CEO of Global Citizen Solutions? Furthermore, what future goals have you set for yourself and the company?

Building a knowledgeable and empathetic team stands as my greatest achievement as CEO of Global Citizen Solutions. Looking ahead, I aim to expand our reach and innovate our services to meet the evolving needs of our clients. Ensuring that Global Citizen Solutions remains at the forefront of the industry’s new technology is a key goal, reflecting our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

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