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From Mezze to Mansaf: Exploring Jordanian Cuisine

As you settle into a local restaurant in Jordan, you'll be greeted by the enticing array of mezze dishes, a quintessential part of Jordanian dining culture.
HomeCountry ReportsCountry Focus of the MonthTransforming Dubai: How the Investment Migration Programme is Driving Real Estate Growth

Transforming Dubai: How the Investment Migration Programme is Driving Real Estate Growth

An IMGW News Report

Impact on Dubai’s Real Estate Sector

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has firmly positioned itself as a premier global hub for economic growth, attracting investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals from across the globe. Central to this transformation is the Investment Migration Programme (often dubbed as the ‘Golden Visa’) – a groundbreaking initiative offering long-term residency to real estate investors, which has significantly bolstered Dubai’s real estate sector.

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