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HomeSaint Lucia Minister Ernest Hilaire Responds to Philippe Martinez's Allegations Amid RICO...

Saint Lucia Minister Ernest Hilaire Responds to Philippe Martinez’s Allegations Amid RICO Lawsuit

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Saint Lucia Minister Ernest Hilaire Responds to Philippe Martinez’s Allegations Amid RICO Lawsuit

An IMGW News Report

In a strongly worded statement issued on the 12 of June 2024, Saint Lucia’s Minister for Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture, and Information, Hon. Dr. Ernest Hilaire, addressed the allegations made by Philippe Martinez of MSR Media. The minister vehemently denied any wrongdoing by the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) and defended the integrity of the program and its leadership.

Background of the Allegations

“For my part, with my lawyers, I will defend my good name and integrity, and once again I will be vindicated.”

Dr. Ernest Hilaire

Philippe Martinez has filed a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations) lawsuit in the U.S. Federal court, implicating several high-profile individuals and entities, including the CEO of the Saint Lucia CIP Unit, Mc Claude Emmanuel, and former prime ministers of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dr Timothy Harris and Dr Denzil Douglas. Martinez alleges that these individuals were involved in fraudulent activities related to the Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) in St Kitts and Nevis, which he claims adversely affected his business interests.

Minister Hilaire’s Response

Dr Ernest Hilaire began his statement by distancing himself and the Saint Lucia government from Philippe Martinez and MSR Media, stating, “I do not know Philippe Martinez or MSR Media, and they have had no dealings with the Citizenship by Investment Program in Saint Lucia.”

Hilaire underscored that the Saint Lucia CIP has no connection to the lawsuit involving Saint Kitts and Nevis, and criticised the opposition leader, Alan Chastney, for aligning himself with Martinez, whom he accused of attempting to undermine Saint Lucia’s CIP. Hilaire asserted, “Our visa-free arrangements and corresponding banking relationships are being threatened by these false, baseless, malicious, and scandalous accusations of fraud and corruption in the CIP in Saint Lucia.”

Defence of the CIP and Mc Claude Emmanuel

The minister provided a detailed timeline of Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited’s involvement in Saint Lucia, emphasising that the project was initially approved under the previous United Workers’ Party government in 2018. He pointed out that the current administration has taken steps to ensure the project’s progress and integrity, stating, “From July 2021 to March 2024, the CIP unit in Saint Lucia approved 2,047 applications, of which 1,367 were real estate for Galaxy Resort.”

Hilaire defended the CIP unit and its CEO, Mc Claude Emmanuel, against the allegations, saying, “We have instructed our lawyers to take all necessary action in the US courts to remove Mr. Emmanuel’s name from this filing, as this is not related to Saint Lucia, nor Mr. Emmanuel, and is clearly malicious.”

Addressing Specific Allegations

Dr Hilaire refuted the claims made by Martinez about the CIP approving 14,000 applications and generating $1.4 billion, clarifying that the actual number of approved applications was significantly lower and did not equate to the alleged financial figures. He explained, “Saint Lucia’s CIP unit has never collected or given anyone $1.4 billion.”

Commitment to Transparency and Integrity

Hilaire emphasised the rigorous due diligence processes in place for CIP applicants and reassured the public of the programme’s transparency and integrity. He announced plans for an operational audit of the CIP unit, stating, “This is the ideal time to engage an international audit firm to immediately commence an audit and review of how the unit has operated since it was established in 2016.”

Call for Unity and Support

In his closing remarks, Dr Hilaire called on all Saint Lucians to support the CIP and work together to defend the country’s reputation. He urged, “Please stop this attempt to destroy businesses and the livelihood of our nation and its people. I am calling on all good and righteous Saint Lucians to work together to ensure that this does not happen.”

Dr Hilaire concluded by affirming his commitment to defending his integrity and the integrity of the CIP, saying, “For my part, with my lawyers, I will defend my good name and integrity, and once again I will be vindicated.”

As the situation unfolds, Saint Lucians and the international community will be closely monitoring the developments in this high-stakes legal battle, and the actions taken by the Saint Lucia government to safeguard the integrity of its Citizenship by Investment Programme.

You can watch to the full, official statement by Dr Ernest Hilaire here:

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