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HomeRegionalCaribbeanSaint Lucia Government Denies Involvement in Philippe Martinez Lawsuit Amid New Revelations

Saint Lucia Government Denies Involvement in Philippe Martinez Lawsuit Amid New Revelations

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An Exclusive Report by IMGW News.

Saint Lucia’s Government Responds to Philippe Martinez Lawsuit, Claims it has ‘No Business with Philippe Martinez’

The Government of Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIP Unit) has issued a statement on May 25th addressing the lawsuit filed by Philippe Martinez and his associated companies against various individuals, including former Prime Ministers of Saint Kitts & Nevis, Timothy Harris and Denzil Douglas, as well as Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, involves allegations concerning the management of the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) in Saint Kitts and Nevis, which Martinez claims were detrimental to his business interests and investors.

“Martinez further announced that MSR Media has received documents from courageous citizens in Saint Lucia, which will be presented in U.S. Federal court. These documents, along with recordings of Mc Claude Emmanuel and a senior Minister of the Saint Lucia government, are expected to shed light on the situation regarding Galaxy in Saint Lucia.”

Revelations by Philippe Martinez – in an interview with IMGW.News

To read the Press Statement by the Government of Saint Lucia, please click here: Link

In its statement, the Government of Saint Lucia reiterated that it has no involvement in the management of the CIP in Saint Kitts and Nevis. They emphasised that Mc Claude Emmanuel, the CEO of the Saint Lucia CIP Unit, is solely responsible for the efficient administration of Saint Lucia’s CIP in accordance with local laws and policies. The government praised Mr Emmanuel for his commendable and ethical performance in his role.

In response to Martinez’s accusations, the Government of Saint Lucia provided a timeline of Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Limited’s involvement in the country. The company first entered into an agreement with Saint Lucia in March 2018 under the previous United Workers Party Government. The Canelles Project, approved as the first CIP Real Estate Project, commenced construction in 2019. Upon taking office and noting the slow progress, the current administration urged Caribbean Galaxy to expedite the project in November 2021. The Canelles Resort project has since sold all its shares and is no longer a real estate option, with construction expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Furthermore, the Government of Saint Lucia underlined its stance against any discounting or underpricing of citizenship, stating that all successful applicants must pay the full, legislated investment sum. They viewed the inclusion of Saint Lucia’s CIP in the lawsuit as an attempt to entangle the country in a separate dispute between Caribbean Galaxy and the Government of Saint Kitts & Nevis, in which Saint Lucia has no part.

The CIP Unit assured the public that it would defend its reputation against any false and malicious attacks. The Government of Saint Lucia expressed “its full confidence in the management of its CIP Unit by Mr Mc Claude Emmanuel,” underscoring their commitment to maintaining the integrity and ethical standards of their investment programme.

New Revelations: IMGW.News speaks to Philippe Martinez

Meanwhile, when contacted by IMGW.News, Philippe Martinez of MSR MEDIA responded, “We have read the statement of the office of the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia. We would like to emphasise that it is Mister Mc Claude Emmanuel that is being sued in U.S. Federal court and not the Government of Saint Lucia. Anyone that has actually read the lawsuit can understand that.”

Speaking with IMGW.News, Martinez further revealed that MSR Media has received documents from courageous citizens in Saint Lucia, which will be presented in U.S. Federal court. These documents, along with recordings of Mc Claude Emmanuel and a senior minister of the Saint Lucia government, are expected to shed light on the situation regarding Galaxy in Saint Lucia.

“Nobody better than Les Kahn (Chief Executive Officer, Galaxy Group, International Operations) explains the corruption in the St. Kitts and Nevis CBI industry and MSR Media will present to the court a video with a full confession.”

“MSR Media will refrain from making more comments as we keep our evidence for the proceedings in U.S. Federal court. This is not a media war, it’s a U.S. RICO lawsuit in U.S. Federal court,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, industry observers have pointed out that this is a U.S. lawsuit and a matter of breaches of U.S. law, so these individuals, including the CEO of the Saint Lucia CIP, will be invited to answer before the court in America to defend themselves against the evidence that MSR claims they have.

Related IMGW.news:

MSR Media Reveals New Allegations and Lawsuit Against St. Kitts-Nevis and Saint Lucia Figures – Link

This is a developing story, and IMGW News will follow it closely to keep our readers up-to-date with the latest information. Stay tuned for further updates.