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We offer you the right spotlight for Growth & Impact

IMGW.News reaches key influencers in Investment Migration, Wealth Management, and International Real Estate to help you gain insights and exposure. The IMGW.News Team is happy to discuss your marketing needs and guide you on the best and most cost-effective publicity for your organisation.

Premium Web Banners

Banner TypeBanner SizeRate (Exc. VAT)Exposure
Premium Home BannersA
980 x 120 pixels

€ 2,400 per display

Two months exposure
Premium Home BannersB
292 x 292 pixels
€ 1,800 per displayTwo months exposure

Premium News Banners

Banner TypeBanner SizeRate (Exc. VAT)Exposure
Premium News Banners (All inner pages)A2
980 x 120 pixels
€ 1,600 per displayTwo months exposure
Premium News Banners (All inner pages)A3
980 x 120 pixels
€ 1,600 per displayTwo months exposure
Premium News Banners (All inner pages)B2
292 x 292 pixels
€ 1,200 per display Two months exposure

Special Report & Content Sponsorship

Content is King: Fee (Excl VAT)ExposureBonus Promotion
Sponsored Content / Special Reports
Sections: IM, Wealth Management, Perspectives, Realty, Country Reports, Trend Setters, From the Grape Vine
€2,400 (Platinum Sponsor)
€1,400 (Gold Sponsor)
€ 960.00 (Silver Sponsor)

- Remains listed as a sponsor of that feature
Two months exposure- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Sponsored Country Reports:€2,400 (Platinum Sponsor)
€1,400 (Gold Sponsor)
€ 960.00 (Silver Sponsor)

- Remains listed as a sponsor of that feature
Two months exposure- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Company Spotlight / Business Profiles
Up to 2,000 words piece, Q&A, featuring
pictures/media, company details and links
€3,400 per annum Two months exposure- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Exclusive Q&As:€2,000 / Piece (article will stay online for six months)Up to 6 months- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Real Estate - Company Listings:Package rate of €2000 for up to 6 property listings Up to 3 months- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
Strategic Humour/Comic of the Month:€1800 per Comic Edition
-Remains listed as a sponsor of that feature
Up to 12 months- Circulated also via email to the IMGW mailing list.
- Promoted on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter