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HomePerspectivesBusiness ProfilesCompany Spotlight: Globe Detective Agency (GDA)

Company Spotlight: Globe Detective Agency (GDA)

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Every week, IMGW.news presents an in-depth spotlight on companies operating in the Wealth Management, Investment Migration, Real Estate, and related service sectors. The objective of each feature is to offer our readers insights into the distinctive offerings and operational highlights of these firms, enhancing their knowledge of the key industry players.

About the Company

Globe Detective Agency (GDA) is a leading private investigation firm in India with a history that spans over 60 years.

Headquartered in New Delhi and supported by 16 branches nationwide, GDA specializes in Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) on a global scale, serving a variety of industries. This involves conducting detailed background checks to confirm applicant information and resolve any inconsistencies through extensive on-the-ground resources.

The firm also offers thorough document verification and Global Security Checks to ensure compliance with sanctions, enforcement actions, watch lists, and identify politically exposed persons. Known for its precision and professionalism, GDA is dedicated to a personalized and thorough approach to due diligence. Recognising that their reports are crucial for decision-making, the firm is committed to delivering accurate and reliable intelligence.

To learn more about GDA’s history, services, and areas of expertise, visit globedetective.com

Meet Sachit Kumar

Sachit Kumar, Managing Director of Globe Detective Agency (GDA), has 38 years of experience in investigation, due diligence, and security services. He is a member of the Council of International Investigators (CII), ASIS, WAD, and Intellenet and has been the President of CII for four years. He plays a pivotal role in expanding the company’s global presence, with a particular emphasis on enhanced due diligence and background investigation services catering to the investment migration industry.

The Interview

IMGW.News organised a Q&A session with Sachit Kumar to discuss his company’s operations, interests, and future goals. During the session, Sachit talked about the factors driving the company’s growth, their approach to innovation, team building, sustainability, and the future outlook. The conversation provided valuable insights into the company’s dedication to sustainability, innovation, and growth.

  1. What challenges do sectors like Wealth Management & Investment Migration pose to an investigative firm like yours? Additionally, does your firm assist with Due Diligence, onboarding, and Credit issues?

In terms of wealth-management and investment migration, many countries have non-existent or limited centralized databases, giving rise to challenges in due diligence. Data privacy laws further restrict the verification of financial information and sources of funds. Therefore, even if these databases exist, they might not be updated regularly or accessible to third parties.

Zooming in on investment migration specifically, the biggest challenge – and the key to success – is finding reliable on-ground associates in different jurisdictions who understand local laws, have access to local sources and databases, and share our ethical approach. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules and laws. For example, in China, data privacy regulations dictate that verification must be conducted through notarized documents rather than by directly contacting the issuing authorities.

Incomplete documentation is another issue. Applicants might not provide enough supporting documents, especially when proving sources of wealth. Our associates then need to conduct thorough on-ground investigations, verifying cash-based businesses, freelance work, or other unconventional income sources.

In summary, successful due diligence in wealth management and investment migration demands a careful, lawful, and ethical approach supported by trusted local partners who know the complexities of regional laws and practices. Our firm specializes in conducting comprehensive due diligence and guiding clients through the onboarding process of vendors across more than 60 countries.

2. How do you leverage your experience with work involving multiple jurisdictions, languages, and legal scenarios?

As a member of several international investigation associations like the World Association of Detectives (WAD) and Intellenet and having served as President of the Council of International Investigators (CII), I have built a global network of reputable investigators. This extensive network has proven invaluable in forming partnerships with trusted local associates across various jurisdictions. Through these collaborations, we can navigate language differences, understand local regulations and laws, and appreciate cultural nuances that can affect our investigations.

3. Can you describe the typical clients you cater to?

  • Individuals
  • Corporates and Multinational Companies
  • Legal Institutions
  • Financial Institutions 
  • Governments

Our typical clients span a wide range of sectors. We serve individuals seeking personal investigative services and corporate organizations looking for comprehensive solutions. We also work with legal firms and attorneys who require investigative litigation support.

Additionally, we cater to financial institutions, including investment banking and private equity firms, where thorough due diligence and security assessments are critical. Lastly, we assist governments, particularly those managing Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs, ensuring proper background checks and risk assessments for their applicants.

4. Does your firm observe any emerging trends in terms of risk types? If so, could you share these trends with IMGW readers?

Absolutely. At Globe Detective Agency, we track emerging trends in risk types to better serve our clients. Here are some of the key risks we see:

(a) Cybersecurity Threats: Cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated as more activities get digitized.

(b) Financial Crimes: We see more fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement cases.

(c) Regulatory Compliance: Companies are facing increased scrutiny and must comply with stricter regulations.

(d) Geopolitical Instability: Global political tensions can unexpectedly affect businesses.

As a firm, we do our best to keep track of these trends and help our clients stay ahead of potential threats.

5) How can firms defend themselves against such risks, and where would a firm like yours be beneficial?

There are many measures through which firms can protect against these risks:

When it comes to cybersecurity threats, firms can use firewalls, encryption, and regular security audits to safeguard systems. It is also very important to train employees to recognize cyber threats.

To mitigate financial crimes, firms need a robust due diligence process for evaluating partners and employees. This scrutiny is crucial for preventing fraud and money laundering. As part of this due diligence, firms should implement asset checks and on-ground investigations to strengthen their incident response plan.

Additionally, it is very important for all companies to establish compliance programs, maintain thorough records, regularly update these and provide regular compliance training. 

Lastly, geopolitical instability is a growing concern. To manage this risk, monitor global events to spot potential threats. Diversify supply chains and investments to reduce impact and create business continuity plans for unforeseen disruptions.

Our firm provides a comprehensive range of solutions, including due diligence on companies, partners, current and prospective employees, applicants and vendors for Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes; open-source investigations to uncover adverse media; civil and criminal litigation checks; regulatory compliance checks; business affiliations and directorship reviews; and security audits of physical premises and IT systems. Additionally, we conduct risk mitigation assessments, asset checks for fraud detection, skip-tracing, and integrity checks on partners and employees.  

Overall, we enable firms to navigate challenges and mitigate risks effectively. By partnering with us, firms can tap into our extensive experience and resources to proactively strengthen their security and safeguard their interests.

6. Is Globe incorporating AI in its work, and if yes, to what extent?

Globe is a company that adapts to the changing times and incorporates new technology to improve its investigations in the digital world. We use AI to extract valuable insights from digital evidence. This means that we can analyze data from electronic documents and uncover information through past news articles. Thanks to AI tools, we can also analyze complex financial transactions and bank documents in a more efficient way.

However, while AI enhances our investigative capabilities, it’s essential to note that human expertise and judgment remain fundamental to our operations. AI serves as a powerful tool that empowers our team to work more intelligently and efficiently. But it’s our skilled investigators who interpret the findings, make informed decisions, conduct on-ground checks, and deliver actionable insights to our clients.

7. Where do you envision your firm in the next 3 to 5 years?

In the next few years, we aim to grow as a leading global provider of security and investigative services.

We have two goals for our company’s future.

(i) First, we want to expand our business globally and become the leading provider of top-quality security and investigative support.

(ii) Second, we aim to leverage advanced technologies, including more creative applications of AI and open-source investigation, to enhance our operations and deliver innovative and efficient services.

At GDA, we strive to exceed industry standards by innovating and improving our services to meet our clients’ evolving needs. We are committed to excellence and dedicated to delivering exceptional results that exceed expectations.

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